(too old to reply)
2008-07-22 22:12:49 UTC
We can make energy out of matter, and matter out of energy. With cold
fusion, we will unlock the power of the atom, and the world will have
infinite energy and be able to create matter out of energy and thus
infinite wealth.

Cold fusion is for real. Just like the light bulb it may take many
attempts to get it right.

Thomas Edison failed more than 1,000 times when trying to create the
light bulb. When asked about it, Edison allegedly said, "I have not
failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT
make a light bulb." He then succeeded, and now the world has light.

Cold fusion is for real.


From Wired Magazine "What If Cold Fusion Is Real?"


"That's what makes cold fusion so nonreproducible," says Storms. "You
have to load the palladium with very high concentrations [of
deuterium], and many samples simply won't tolerate it."

"Heat has practical applications," concedes McKubre, "but what am I
supposed to do with the ability to turn expensive elements into cheap

This, finally, is his explanation for many negative results. There's
still a snag, though. Just because he knows how to select good
palladium, doesn't mean he knows how to make it. "Pons and Fleischmann
used to test samples from a supplier, Johnson Matthey, and over the
years they figured out how to create palladium that worked most of the
time. But Johnson Matthey signed a nondisclosure agreement with
Technova, the Toyota-supported group that financed the research in
France. The Japanese thought cold fusion would be hugely successful,
and therefore everyone would want this certain type of palladium, and
they'd clean up."

Of course, it never happened. Technova abandoned cold fusion. But
according to Storms the nondisclosure agreement still exists, and
Johnson Matthey is still bound by it. (A spokesperson at Johnson
Matthey would not confirm that an agreement exists.)

"Someone should buy it from Technova," I suggest.

Storms laughs. "Why should they? It's worthless! You can't make any
money from cold fusion - at least, not using the Pons-Fleischmann

And so, at this point, Storms is stymied. He shows me a paper he has
written, with a grim cover letter: "Ironically, it is now possible to
know why we failed but it is too late to follow a more successful
path ... Without access to widely circulated journals, this negative
attitude within the scientific community obviously cannot be changed.
Even overwhelming proof, as demanded by many scientists in the past,
can have no effect because no mechanism exists for it to be
communicated to the scientific professions."
Fred Kasner
2008-07-22 22:36:41 UTC
Post by ***@rock.com
We can make energy out of matter, and matter out of energy. With cold
fusion, we will unlock the power of the atom, and the world will have
infinite energy and be able to create matter out of energy and thus
infinite wealth.
Cold fusion is for real. Just like the light bulb it may take many
attempts to get it right.
Thomas Edison failed more than 1,000 times when trying to create the
light bulb. When asked about it, Edison allegedly said, "I have not
failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT
make a light bulb." He then succeeded, and now the world has light.
Cold fusion is for real.
From Wired Magazine "What If Cold Fusion Is Real?"
"That's what makes cold fusion so nonreproducible," says Storms. "You
have to load the palladium with very high concentrations [of
deuterium], and many samples simply won't tolerate it."
"Heat has practical applications," concedes McKubre, "but what am I
supposed to do with the ability to turn expensive elements into cheap
This, finally, is his explanation for many negative results. There's
still a snag, though. Just because he knows how to select good
palladium, doesn't mean he knows how to make it. "Pons and Fleischmann
used to test samples from a supplier, Johnson Matthey, and over the
years they figured out how to create palladium that worked most of the
time. But Johnson Matthey signed a nondisclosure agreement with
Technova, the Toyota-supported group that financed the research in
France. The Japanese thought cold fusion would be hugely successful,
and therefore everyone would want this certain type of palladium, and
they'd clean up."
Of course, it never happened. Technova abandoned cold fusion. But
according to Storms the nondisclosure agreement still exists, and
Johnson Matthey is still bound by it. (A spokesperson at Johnson
Matthey would not confirm that an agreement exists.)
"Someone should buy it from Technova," I suggest.
Storms laughs. "Why should they? It's worthless! You can't make any
money from cold fusion - at least, not using the Pons-Fleischmann
And so, at this point, Storms is stymied. He shows me a paper he has
written, with a grim cover letter: "Ironically, it is now possible to
know why we failed but it is too late to follow a more successful
path ... Without access to widely circulated journals, this negative
attitude within the scientific community obviously cannot be changed.
Even overwhelming proof, as demanded by many scientists in the past,
can have no effect because no mechanism exists for it to be
communicated to the scientific professions."
Remarkable idiocy on the part of the person who claimed this. If you
have access to the internet then you have access to as many scientists
as will read stuff on the internet. You may not be able to access them
via well respected refereed journals. But if you don't care about the
copyright for your article you can get it in front of a sizable number
of scientists just by putting it up on a appropriate news group. I would
suggest sci.energy.hydrogen . There are a lot of worn out skeptics on
this NG (me included) who will spend some time reading your stuff. If it
requires binary material to be shown (graphs, equations, etc.) then give
them a URL to either read such or to download it.

I, as an experienced worker in precision calorimetry would have jumped
all over Pons and Fleichmann work had I had access to the original
papers. It sure was bad calorimetry. And the failure to find any
neutrons was another bad sign. But to say that there is no venue for
publication is pure nonsense.
Richard Schultz
2008-07-23 05:38:51 UTC
In sci.chem Fred Kasner <***@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

: I, as an experienced worker in precision calorimetry would have jumped
: all over Pons and Fleichmann work had I had access to the original
: papers. It sure was bad calorimetry. And the failure to find any
: neutrons was another bad sign. But to say that there is no venue for
: publication is pure nonsense.

And don't forget their additional miracle -- not only were there no
neutrons ("it magically makes only 4He"), but there were no gamma rays
from decay of 4He* either ("it magically couples 24 MeV to phonon modes").

Richard Schultz ***@mail.biu.ac.il
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Opinions expressed are mine alone, and not those of Bar-Ilan University
"an optimist is a guy/ that has never had/ much experience"
2008-07-23 07:42:31 UTC
Post by Richard Schultz
: I, as an experienced worker in precision calorimetry would have jumped
: all over Pons and Fleichmann work had I had access to the original
: papers. It sure was bad calorimetry. And the failure to find any
: neutrons was another bad sign. But to say that there is no venue for
: publication is pure nonsense.
And don't forget their additional miracle -- not only were there no
neutrons ("it magically makes only 4He"), but there were no gamma rays
from decay of 4He* either ("it magically couples 24 MeV to phonon modes").
Richard, the precise value for the 'forbidden' reaction is

H-2 + H-2 -> He-4 + 26.071356 MeV,

not 24 MeV as you suggest.

{The interested reader may wish to verify this value, 26.071356 MeV. Please
visit, http://t2.lanl.gov/cgi-bin/quemd , where you will find a calculator
for "Ground-State Masses and Deformations". For deuterium, H-2, put Z=1,
A=-2. For helium, He-4, put Z=2, A=4. The total binding energy for
deuterium, H-2, is 2.224636 Mev, for helium, He-4, 28.295992 MeV. 28.295992
MeV - 2.224636 MeV.}

Richard, your reputatation as an Israeli disinformation agent is legendary.
Perhaps for once your masters in the Israeli nuclear weapons authority will
allow you to loosen up a bit.

{The interested reader may ask why is a dilute gas phase reaction like,

H-2 + H-2 -> He-4 + 26.071356 MeV, EQ 1

'forbidden'? The mathematically restriction is due the fact that it is not
possible to simultaneously satisfy requirements of the law conservation of
energy and the law of conservation of momentum for the reaction as written.
The interested reader who is alert, may ask why is it not possible to lift
the mathematical restriction by the addition of a third particle (maybe a
free electron), on both sides of EQ 1? Answer: "a dilute gas phase reaction"
like in magnetic confinement fusion, implies "infinite dilution". At
infinite dilution, the likelihood of two particle reaction is small, the
likelihood of three particle reaction is infinitesimal.

Mathematically, the reaction,

H-2 + H-2 + e -> He-4 + e + 26.071356 MeV, EQ 2

where e are _free_ electrons, can _only_ occur in condensed matter.}

Richard Schultz wrote "it magically couples 24 MeV to phonon modes". Gee
whiz Richard, why is it that in ~20 years of debate on this subject, there
are no fucking new ideas? Because of a multitude of paid disinformation
agents like Richard Schultz, who work for the nuclear weapons authorities of
their respective nations.

{The interested reader may be interested in study of dilute gas phase,
"infinite dilution" nuclear fusion reactions which occur in magnetic
confinement nuclear fusion. Please visit, Wikipedia,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_fusion , "Nuclear Fusion". Please take
careful note that of the ten nuclear fusion reaction given, all ten are two
particle, "infinite dilution" reactions only. The scholars who wrote the
Wikipedia article intentionally ignored condensed phase three particle
reactions. Why? Because they are all paid disinformation agents for the
nuclear weapons authorities of their respective nations.}

Fred Kasner wrote, I am "an experienced worker in precision calorimetry."
Christ, why am I not impressed? True scientific skepticism requires years of
hard work not reliance on one's own presumed authority.

Fred, {and all interested readers}, please visit Dieter Britz's COLD NUCLEAR
FUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY at http://www.chem.au.dk/~db/fusion/ . Spend a few years
of your misspent youth and your middle ages actually reading the THOUSANDS
of scientific publication of cold fusion which do not disparage the work of
Pons and Fleichmann. I have misspent my youth and middle age reading many of
these works and I have come to the conclusion that all this work is 'iffy'
border line science, done by scientific workers of integrity who do not give
a shit about your opinion of them, Fred. They think you are a jerk.

{The interested reader may quesion the meaning of "'iffy' border line
science"? Radioactivity was first discovered in 1896 by the French
scientist Henri Becquerel. Please visit
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioactivity for more details. Back then it
was ALL "'iffy' border line science". It took FIFTY fucking years to go from
the discovery of radioactivity to any kind of useful application of nuclear

Richard, Fred, your negative contributions to the subject matter of cold
fusion have been duelly noted, Your names have been entered into the
appropraite roster of ignomy.

{The interested reader is strongly advised NOT to attempt any cold fusion
experiments, ever, you may die. Please visit
http://www.stevequayle.com/News.alert/04_Tech/040909.cold.fusion.html ,
"Dangerous Science". Please note that where as it took many decades for
Madam Curie to die from cancer due to exposure to radiactivity, it only took
THREE years after Pons and Fleichmann for Andrew Riley to die in a cold
fusion explosion cover up. Cold fusion research is infinitely more dangerous
than radiactivity and is only suitable for study by the nuclear weapons
authorities of many nations, particularly, China. Read Dieter Britz's
archive and you will encounter many works by Chinese authors. Spend of few
years reading.

The attention of the alert reader is drawn to the fact that Steve Quayle's
article "Dangerous Science" discusses TWO dead guys, Andrew Riley and Gene
Mallove. Gene Mallove was a champion of illicit and dangerous civilian cold
fusion research. As a consequence he was murderede and his murder has not
been solved and will never be solved. It is a national security issue. Gene
Mallove was killed by a paid disinformation agent of some nation.}

Richard, you are a paid disinformation agent. Fred, you are a volunteer.
You both are in bed with very naughty disinformation agents of many nations.
A very naughty disinformation agent
2008-07-23 08:40:06 UTC
Post by kiloVolts
{The interested reader is strongly advised NOT to attempt any cold fusion
experiments, ever, you may die. Please visit
http://www.stevequayle.com/News.alert/04_Tech/040909.cold.fusion.html ,
"Dangerous Science". Please note that where as it took many decades for
Madam Curie to die from cancer due to exposure to radiactivity, it only
took THREE years after Pons and Fleichmann for Andrew Riley to die in a
cold fusion explosion cover up. Cold fusion research is infinitely more
dangerous than radiactivity and is only suitable for study by the nuclear
weapons authorities of many nations, particularly, China. Read Dieter
Britz's archive and you will encounter many works by Chinese authors.
Spend of few years reading.
The attention of the alert reader is drawn to the fact that Steve Quayle's
article "Dangerous Science" discusses TWO dead guys, Andrew Riley and Gene
Mallove. Gene Mallove was a champion of illicit and dangerous civilian
cold fusion research. As a consequence he was murderede and his murder has
not been solved and will never be solved. It is a national security issue.
Gene Mallove was killed by a paid disinformation agent of some nation.}
Yah, well, they executed Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (see:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_and_Ethel_Rosenberg ), who were
emminently innocent, simply so their deaths could serve as a deterence to
others and because the legal infrastructure was pre-existing to legitimize
their executions. In the case of Gene Mallove, a pre-existing legal
infrastructure did not exist. But he was NOT innocent. He was at least
partially culpable for Andrew Riley's death because he was a champion of
illicit and dangerous civilian cold fusion research. The legal concept is
"termination with extreme prejudice". Let his death serve as a deterence to
all you civilians who think cold fusion is the answer to high gsoline
Dieter Britz
2008-07-23 12:04:29 UTC
Post by kiloVolts
Post by Richard Schultz
And don't forget their additional miracle -- not only were there no
neutrons ("it magically makes only 4He"), but there were no gamma rays
from decay of 4He* either ("it magically couples 24 MeV to phonon modes").
Richard, the precise value for the 'forbidden' reaction is
H-2 + H-2 -> He-4 + 26.071356 MeV,
not 24 MeV as you suggest.
From the book by Huizenga, the reaction is

d + d --> 4He + 23.85 MeV

close to Richard's 24. The LANL URL you gave doesn't work.
Post by kiloVolts
Richard, your reputatation as an Israeli disinformation agent is
legendary. Perhaps for once your masters in the Israeli nuclear weapons
authority will allow you to loosen up a bit.
Legendary? Only you know this legend.
Post by kiloVolts
particle, "infinite dilution" reactions only. The scholars who wrote the
What does infinite dilution (with or without quote marks) have to do
with the private matter of two deuterons fusing?
Post by kiloVolts
Fred, {and all interested readers}, please visit Dieter Britz's COLD
NUCLEAR FUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY at http://www.chem.au.dk/~db/fusion/ . Spend a
few years of your misspent youth and your middle ages actually reading the
THOUSANDS of scientific publication of cold fusion which do not disparage
I wonder whether you have visited my biliography yourself. Currently,
there are 1385 articles in the main biblio. Rounded off, that's ONE
thousand, not thousandS. There are others who claim thousands, but they
take in articles in enthusiast "journals" that do not use referees, or
use enthusiast referees.
Post by kiloVolts
the work of Pons and Fleichmann. I have misspent my youth and middle age
That's Fleischmann, mate. I am glad though that you didn't write Pon's.
Post by kiloVolts
The attention of the alert reader is drawn to the fact that Steve Quayle's
article "Dangerous Science" discusses TWO dead guys, Andrew Riley and Gene
Mallove. Gene Mallove was a champion of illicit and dangerous civilian
Riley died from an explosion when compressed deuterium and oxygen
ignited. Mallove was murdered, possibly as a result of an argument
about house rent. In both cases, your hints that these deaths had
something to do with fusion or a conspiracy about fusion are silly.
Dieter Britz (britz<at>chem.au.dk)
Richard Schultz
2008-07-23 12:40:16 UTC
In sci.chem kiloVolts <***@nospam.com> wrote:

: Richard, your reputatation as an Israeli disinformation agent is legendary.
: Perhaps for once your masters in the Israeli nuclear weapons authority will
: allow you to loosen up a bit.

I would love to see your evidence that I have any ties whatsoever with
the "Israeli nuclear weapons authority," or that I was even aware of the
existence of such a body, prior to your post. I'd also like to see your
evidence that I am a "paid agent" of anyone. Your making obviously untrue and
defamatory statements about other people does your cause no good, you know.

Richard Schultz ***@mail.biu.ac.il
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Opinions expressed are mine alone, and not those of Bar-Ilan University
". . .Mr Schutz [sic] acts like a functional electro-terrorist who
impeads [sic] scientific communications with his too oft-silliness."
-- Mitchell Swartz, sci.physics.fusion article <***@world.std.com>
Mark Thorson
2008-07-23 17:59:26 UTC
Post by Richard Schultz
: Richard, your reputatation as an Israeli disinformation agent is legendary.
: Perhaps for once your masters in the Israeli nuclear weapons authority will
: allow you to loosen up a bit.
I would love to see your evidence that I have any ties whatsoever with
the "Israeli nuclear weapons authority," or that I was even aware of the
existence of such a body, prior to your post. I'd also like to see your
evidence that I am a "paid agent" of anyone. Your making obviously untrue and
defamatory statements about other people does your cause no good, you know.
Yeah, everybody knows you consult for the oil companies.
When you're not doing the dirty work for Big Pharma,
of course. :-)
Richard Schultz
2008-07-24 04:38:13 UTC
In sci.chem Mark Thorson <***@sonic.net> wrote:

:> I'd also like to see your evidence that I am a "paid agent" of anyone.

: Yeah, everybody knows you consult for the oil companies.
: When you're not doing the dirty work for Big Pharma, of course. :-)

You'd think that with all the money that I'm raking in acting as a paid
agent for so many different forces of evil, I wouldn't have to work for a
living. . .

Richard Schultz ***@mail.biu.ac.il
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Opinions expressed are mine alone, and not those of Bar-Ilan University
"Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell bad."
2008-07-24 13:43:31 UTC
Post by Richard Schultz
You'd think that with all the money that I'm raking in acting as a paid
agent for so many different forces of evil, I wouldn't have to work for a
living. . .
According to your signature ... You don't :-)
Post by Richard Schultz
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
We chemists in industry otoh ...
Richard Schultz
2008-07-24 16:35:26 UTC
In sci.chem number6 <***@aol.com> wrote:
: On Jul 24, 12:38?am, ***@mail.biu.ack.il (Richard Schultz) wrote:

:> You'd think that with all the money that I'm raking in acting as a paid
:> agent for so many different forces of evil, I wouldn't have to work for a
:> living. . .

: According to your signature ... You don't :-)

Don't believe everything you read in the papers.

Richard Schultz ***@mail.biu.ac.il
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Opinions expressed are mine alone, and not those of Bar-Ilan University
"Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell bad."
Mark Thorson
2008-07-24 17:36:40 UTC
Post by Richard Schultz
:> I'd also like to see your evidence that I am a "paid agent" of anyone.
: Yeah, everybody knows you consult for the oil companies.
: When you're not doing the dirty work for Big Pharma, of course. :-)
You'd think that with all the money that I'm raking in acting as a paid
agent for so many different forces of evil, I wouldn't have to work for a
living. . .
Being a college professor is a perfect cover for
an arch-villain with access to unlimited funds.
Nobody would ever suspect.
2008-07-24 21:13:05 UTC
There is really only one major problem with cold fusion with
electrolysis methods - its inconsistent. Not so much inconsistent from
configuration but it SEEMS to be from location-to-location or person-
to-person. That is, one team or individual at location A can achieve
amazing results while another person/group at location B gets nothing
with the exact same experiment. So you get these camps - some are
making gold and what not at low energies (like less than 1000W!!), for
example, and have no problems and those who have absolutely no luck at
all. No one understands why this is and is pretty much the main reason
why large companies aren't investing everything into it (many ARE
investing huge amounts right now).

Its been known for sometime that UV, x-rays and gamma rays can induce
electron K-capture in common stable isotopes (not all just a select
group). This typically causes a temporary transmutation which also
typically resolve back to the starting conditions after a small amount
of time (usually within seconds). The energy released afterwards for
most elements somehow exceeds that put into the system! There is an
unfortunate energy conversion issue after the transmuted matter decays
(how can you convert decay elements like x-rays and beta emissions
into useable electricity with high efficiency?). It is uncertain where
the extra energy comes from and rarely discussed in american academia
(i know i'm a physicist). Such reactions can be "focused" by
dispersing the target elements spatially or otherwise to increase
cross-sectional probability of photon/compton interaction (which
varies wildly among various elements & excitation methods) and
applying a strong co-linear electric & magnetic field along with the
excitation photons (co-linear meaning the magnetic and electric field
lines point in the SAME direction). Collecting the excess is energy is
a **b*tch** to say the least and quite dangerous as well.

Check this out: http://jlnlabs.online.fr/vsg/index.htm. This is some
very preliminary tests done to outline these effects. Of course, more
rigorous testing needs done but it does look promising. Not for

There are also the works of Louis Kervran, who almost got the nobel
prize. Check it out but the issue was the same - some got results,

So there you have it in a nutshell. Just like many alchemists of old
used to write, transmutation, cold fusion and such seems to somehow be
a PERSONAL JOURNEY simply because we don't understand these unseen
factors at play.

Good Luck!!! Try not to go crazy....
Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
2008-07-24 21:41:30 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
There is really only one major problem with cold fusion with
electrolysis methods - its inconsistent. Not so much inconsistent from
configuration but it SEEMS to be from location-to-location or person-
to-person. That is, one team or individual at location A can achieve
amazing results while another person/group at location B gets nothing
with the exact same experiment. So you get these camps - some are
making gold and what not at low energies (like less than 1000W!!), for
example, and have no problems and those who have absolutely no luck at
all. No one understands why this is and is pretty much the main reason
why large companies aren't investing everything into it (many ARE
investing huge amounts right now).
Its been known for sometime that UV, x-rays and gamma rays can induce
electron K-capture in common stable isotopes (not all just a select
group). This typically causes a temporary transmutation which also
typically resolve back to the starting conditions after a small amount
of time (usually within seconds). The energy released afterwards for
most elements somehow exceeds that put into the system! There is an
unfortunate energy conversion issue after the transmuted matter decays
(how can you convert decay elements like x-rays and beta emissions
into useable electricity with high efficiency?). It is uncertain where
the extra energy comes from and rarely discussed in american academia
(i know i'm a physicist). Such reactions can be "focused" by
dispersing the target elements spatially or otherwise to increase
cross-sectional probability of photon/compton interaction (which
varies wildly among various elements & excitation methods) and
applying a strong co-linear electric & magnetic field along with the
excitation photons (co-linear meaning the magnetic and electric field
lines point in the SAME direction). Collecting the excess is energy is
a **b*tch** to say the least and quite dangerous as well.
Check this out: http://jlnlabs.online.fr/vsg/index.htm. This is some
very preliminary tests done to outline these effects. Of course, more
rigorous testing needs done but it does look promising. Not for
There are also the works of Louis Kervran, who almost got the nobel
prize. Check it out but the issue was the same - some got results,
So there you have it in a nutshell. Just like many alchemists of old
used to write, transmutation, cold fusion and such seems to somehow be
a PERSONAL JOURNEY simply because we don't understand these unseen
factors at play.
Good Luck!!! Try not to go crazy....
I really like the work Naudin does. It's good to know that someone
somewhere is actually testing all of these wayout ideas and inventions.

http://www.transcendence.me.uk/ - Transcendence UK
Remote Viewing classes in London
Richard Schultz
2008-07-25 08:30:15 UTC
In sci.chem Mark Thorson <***@sonic.net> wrote:

: Being a college professor is a perfect cover for
: an arch-villain with access to unlimited funds.
: Nobody would ever suspect.


Richard Schultz ***@mail.biu.ac.il
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Opinions expressed are mine alone, and not those of Bar-Ilan University
"an optimist is a guy/ that has never had/ much experience"
2008-07-25 12:41:47 UTC
Post by Richard Schultz
: Being a college professor is a perfect cover for
: an arch-villain with access to unlimited funds.
: Nobody would ever suspect.
Hah ... it never will work ... Got everything right except ... he's
using the wrong isotope of destructonium ...what a buffoon ...
Mark Thorson
2008-07-25 16:58:07 UTC
Post by number6
Post by Richard Schultz
: Being a college professor is a perfect cover for
: an arch-villain with access to unlimited funds.
: Nobody would ever suspect.
Hah ... it never will work ... Got everything right except ... he's
using the wrong isotope of destructonium ...what a buffoon ...
And notice the Mark V E-meter in the foreground.
The current version is the Quantum Super Mark VII,
and the Mark VIII is about to be introduced.

Salmon Egg
2008-07-25 19:40:10 UTC
So the world needs more love and beggars need horses, How does that
conform with reality?

Richard Schultz
2008-07-27 04:55:34 UTC
In sci.chem Salmon Egg <***@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

: So the world needs more love

It's the only thing that there's just too little of.

Richard Schultz ***@mail.biu.ac.il
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Opinions expressed are mine alone, and not those of Bar-Ilan University
"an optimist is a guy/ that has never had/ much experience"
2008-07-27 05:29:05 UTC
"Richard Schultz" <***@mail.biu.ack.il> wrote in message news:g6gv46$oln$***@news.iucc.ac.il...
Salmon Egg <***@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
So the world needs more love
"Richard Schultz" <***@mail.biu.ack.il> wrote
It's the only thing that there's just too little of.
hanson wrote:
... yeah, but love FOR WHAT?
Be careful what you wish for...
ahahaha... ahahahahanson
2008-07-27 07:22:21 UTC
Post by Salmon Egg
So the world needs more love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of.
... yeah, but love FOR WHAT?
Be careful what you wish for...
ahahaha... ahahahahanson
Right, the world needs many thngs, and cold fusionn does not exist
because of a number of practical physical realities, so why no just
move on with your life.

Harry C.
Richard Schultz
2008-07-23 12:53:28 UTC
In sci.chem kiloVolts <***@nospam.com> wrote:

: Richard, the precise value for the 'forbidden' reaction is
: H-2 + H-2 -> He-4 + 26.071356 MeV,
: not 24 MeV as you suggest.


According to the databases at physics.nist.gov, the atomic masses are
D = 2.014 101 778 amu
4He = 4.002 603 2497 amu

and the conversion factor is 1 amu = 931.494 028 MeV

Thus, each D + D -> 4He fusion leads to a mass loss of about 0.0256003 amu.

(0.0256003 amu)(931.494 MeV/amu) = 23.8465 MeV

Rounding off to two places, we get 24 MeV.

If the rest of your rant were as accurate (i.e. within 10%), that would be
amazing, but as far as I can tell, it's not even that close.

Richard Schultz ***@mail.biu.ac.il
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Opinions expressed are mine alone, and not those of Bar-Ilan University
". . .Mr Schutz [sic] acts like a functional electro-terrorist who
impeads [sic] scientific communications with his too oft-silliness."
-- Mitchell Swartz, sci.physics.fusion article <***@world.std.com>
Al Dykes
2008-07-22 23:02:15 UTC
Post by ***@rock.com
We can make energy out of matter, and matter out of energy. With cold
fusion, we will unlock the power of the atom, and the world will have
infinite energy and be able to create matter out of energy and thus
infinite wealth.
Cold fusion is for real. Just like the light bulb it may take many
attempts to get it right.
Somehow you forgot to tell us that this article is 10 years
old. Hopefully, everyone that had anything to do with the science has
been fired for incompetency.

Al Dykes
News is something someone wants to suppress, everything else is advertising.
- Lord Northcliffe, publisher of the Daily Mail
Richard Schultz
2008-07-23 12:57:08 UTC
[followups trimmed and spf -- the appropriate group -- added]

In sci.chem ***@rock.com <***@rock.com> wrote:

: Cold fusion is for real. Just like the light bulb it may take many
: attempts to get it right.

In March 1989, Pons and Fleischmann claimed that they had a *working
prototype* of a cold fusion based water heater.

Note that they were not claiming to have been in Edison's position of needing
to test 1000 different filament compositions -- they claimed to have had
a water heater prototype that already worked.

Nearly 20 years later, where's the water heater?

Richard Schultz ***@mail.biu.ac.il
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Opinions expressed are mine alone, and not those of Bar-Ilan University
". . .Mr Schutz [sic] acts like a functional electro-terrorist who
impeads [sic] scientific communications with his too oft-silliness."
-- Mitchell Swartz, sci.physics.fusion article <***@world.std.com>
2008-08-10 18:51:09 UTC
"Richard Schultz" <***@mail.biu.ack.il> wrote

[snip garbage]
Post by Richard Schultz
Note that they were not claiming to have been in Edison's position of needing
to test 1000 different filament compositions -- they claimed to have had
a water heater prototype that already worked.
Nearly 20 years later, where's the water heater?
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Ricard Schultz is a fraudulent academic. Any activist can spout the same
tired slogans and rhetoric for twenty years. A tenured academic is expected
to have something to say within and about the published scientific
literature. Twenty years is a long time for one man to have a hard-on
against one publication.

Fleischmann, M., S. Pons, and M. Hawkins, Electrochemically induced nuclear
fusion of deuterium. J. Electroanal.
Chem., 1989. 261: p. 301


This paper has been cited by other authors 323 times in the scientific
literature. Richard Schults is an asshole and an idiot unless he can
demonstrate similar citation numbers for himself.

In the paper above.Pons and Fleischman wrote,

"We have to report here that under the conditions of the last experiment,
even using D2O alone, a substantial portion of the cathode fused (melting
point 1544ºC), part of it vapourised, and the cell and contents and a part
of the fume cupboard housing the experiment were destroyed."

Within three short years a young electrochemist was killed trying to better
the work of Pons and Fleischman, in the face of relentless criticism of such

Richard Schultz is beneath contempt. He belongs in an insane asylum or a
prison cell.
2008-08-10 20:03:37 UTC
Post by kiloVolts
[snip garbage]
Post by Richard Schultz
Nearly 20 years later, where's the water heater?
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Ricard Schultz is a fraudulent academic.
Richard Schultz gives as his organization, in the headers of his postings:

Organization: Israel Inter-University Computation Cente, [sic]

which can be found at:


Whereas, within his email signature, he claims attachment to Department of
Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, which can be found at:

which in turn lists names of Faculty, Senior Researchers, PostDocs, Graduate
Students and Administrative Staff.

A careful search of the IUCC and Bar-Ilan U. reveals that none of the two
groups to which Schultz claims attachment admit any attachment to him.
Schultz has become unhinged and meaningless. He is nothing but a glorified
Archimedes Plutonium. Please do not feed the troll.
Richard Schultz
2008-08-11 06:17:58 UTC
In sci.physics.fusion kiloVolts <***@n0spam.com> wrote:

: Richard Schultz gives as his organization, in the headers of his postings:
: Organization: Israel Inter-University Computation Cente, [sic]

Idiot. The IICC is the organization that *runs the usenet server* for
the universities in Israel.

: A careful search of the IUCC and Bar-Ilan U. reveals that none of the two
: groups to which Schultz claims attachment admit any attachment to him.

Take a look at http://tinyurl.com/5z2fak and ask yourself how I managed
to get away with the institutional affiliation listed therein.

Richard Schultz ***@mail.biu.ac.il
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Opinions expressed are mine alone, and not those of Bar-Ilan University
"You don't even have a clue about which clue you're missing."
2008-08-11 09:01:48 UTC
Post by Richard Schultz
Take a look at http://tinyurl.com/5z2fak and ask yourself how I managed
to get away with the institutional affiliation listed therein.
You've denied nothing. All you claim is you had an affiliation with a
university in 2001. Big deal. Go away idiot.
2008-08-11 12:57:02 UTC
Post by kiloVolts
Take a look athttp://tinyurl.com/5z2fakand ask yourself how I managed
to get away with the institutional affiliation listed therein.
You've denied nothing. All you claim is you had an affiliation with a
university in 2001. Big deal. Go away idiot.
You're way out of line there ... I doubt I've ever agreed with Richard
Schultz over the years politically ... but he's a chemist with some
good contributions to this group over many years ... I don't know what
his exact position is at that school ... but as a chemist he's part of
it ...
I don't think it's necessary for him to post more information ... with
the nuts roaming USENET ... even the sci groups ... I feel he's given
out too much already ...
2008-08-12 00:25:52 UTC
Post by number6
Post by kiloVolts
Take a look athttp://tinyurl.com/5z2fakandask yourself how I managed
to get away with the institutional affiliation listed therein.
You've denied nothing. All you claim is you had an affiliation with a
university in 2001. Big deal. Go away idiot.
You're way out of line there ... I doubt I've ever agreed with Richard
Schultz over the years politically ... but he's a chemist with some
good contributions to this group over many years ... I don't know what
his exact position is at that school ... but as a chemist he's part of
it ...
I don't think it's necessary for him to post more information ... with
the nuts roaming USENET ... even the sci groups ... I feel he's given
out too much already ...
Dear Professor number6,
In my university career (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.), I encountered numerous
military personnel from many nations. University education is of value to
the officer corps. Israel is surrounded by enemies, so Professor Richard
Schultz would be remiss in his duties to his nation to avoid an attachment
to the Israeli military. Truth is the first casualty of war. I respect the
military individuals with whom I still maintain personnel contact but I can
tell you they are skilled in deceipt. For twenty years Professor Richard
Schultz has conducted a specific form of deceipt and disinformation with
respect to a specific controversial but respected publication. During that
time Professor Richard Schultz has not demonstrated any learning or
evolution in his scholarship. He has never submitted an original newsgroup
post. It has been discovered that he no longer has an academic attachment of
the sort that he claims in his signature line. Maybe he works in the library
stacking books or maybe he has retired. He is trapped in his own web of
lies. So he is a chemist, big deal, we are also chemists. If Professor
Richard Schultz is unable to withstand the heat of criticism he should stay
out of the kitchen.

Having said that, my good friend Richard is welcome back here if he drops
the pretensions. He needs to drop the deceitful signature line, immediately.
If he has a need for the intimacy of a name, he can use 'Rick' or 'Ricky',
something that does no convey false authority. There are hundreds of
respectable professionals named "Richard Schultz" who should not be shamed
by connection to his lies. Under a reduced climate of pretension, he would
be welcome contribute to the public domain discourse we know and love as
'Usenet', just like Archimedes Plutonium does.

Yours Respectfully.

Professor kiloVolts
Richard Schultz
2008-08-12 04:47:22 UTC
In sci.physics.fusion kiloVolts <***@n0spam.com> wrote:

: In my university career (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.),

I very seriously doubt that you have a Ph.D., or any university education
to speak of.

: Israel is surrounded by enemies, so Professor Richard
: Schultz would be remiss in his duties to his nation to avoid an attachment
: to the Israeli military.

Now it's the Israeli military who I represent. I'm beginning to lose track
of the number of different Forces of Evil for whom I'm working.

: For twenty years Professor Richard
: Schultz has conducted a specific form of deceipt and disinformation with
: respect to a specific controversial but respected publication.

Name a single thing I have said about Pons & Fleischmann's original paper
that is not true. For that matter, name a single thing about *any* cold
fusion paper that I have said that is not true.

On the other hand, the notion that P&F's original paper is "respected"
is, to put it succinctly, laughable.

: He has never submitted an original newsgroup post.

That is a lie.

Richard Schultz ***@mail.biu.ac.il
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Opinions expressed are mine alone, and not those of Bar-Ilan University
"It is terrible to die of thirst in the ocean. Do you have to salt your
truth so heavily that it does not even quench thirst any more?"
Tom Kunich
2008-08-12 15:08:33 UTC
Post by Richard Schultz
: In my university career (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.),
I very seriously doubt that you have a Ph.D., or any university education
to speak of.
His PhD easily provable but then he'd have to tell you his "real" name
(honest, kiloVolts is just a pen name) and it might embarrass all of us.
Richard Schultz
2008-08-12 16:52:19 UTC
In sci.physics.fusion Tom Kunich <***@yahoo. com> wrote:
: "Richard Schultz" <***@mail.biu.ack.il> wrote in message
: news:g7r4kq$8ac$***@news.iucc.ac.il...
:> In sci.physics.fusion kiloVolts <***@n0spam.com> wrote:

:> : In my university career (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.),

:> I very seriously doubt that you have a Ph.D., or any university education
:> to speak of.

: His PhD easily provable but then he'd have to tell you his "real" name
: (honest, kiloVolts is just a pen name) and it might embarrass all of us.

I can see how it would embarrass *him* -- I assume that's why he's too
cowardly to tell us his name. I can't see how it would embarrass the rest
of us, since we as a group are not responsible for his actions.

Richard Schultz ***@mail.biu.ac.il
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Opinions expressed are mine alone, and not those of Bar-Ilan University
". . .Mr Schutz [sic] acts like a functional electro-terrorist who
impeads [sic] scientific communications with his too oft-silliness."
-- Mitchell Swartz, sci.physics.fusion article <***@world.std.com>
Tom Kunich
2008-08-12 23:24:31 UTC
Post by Richard Schultz
:> : In my university career (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.),
:> I very seriously doubt that you have a Ph.D., or any university education
:> to speak of.
: His PhD easily provable but then he'd have to tell you his "real" name
: (honest, kiloVolts is just a pen name) and it might embarrass all of us.
I can see how it would embarrass *him* -- I assume that's why he's too
cowardly to tell us his name. I can't see how it would embarrass the rest
of us, since we as a group are not responsible for his actions.
(Shaking head) Richard, Richard, Richard - we could be embarrassed for not
immediately recognizing the genius he has written here and also not
immediately placing it at the foot of the throne of the Doctorate of
Richard Schultz
2008-08-13 04:45:39 UTC
In sci.physics.fusion Tom Kunich <***@yahoo. com> wrote:
: "Richard Schultz" <***@mail.biu.ack.il> wrote in message
: news:g7sf43$u7n$***@news.iucc.ac.il...

:> : His PhD easily provable but then he'd have to tell you his "real" name
:> : (honest, kiloVolts is just a pen name) and it might embarrass all of us.

:> I can see how it would embarrass *him* -- I assume that's why he's too
:> cowardly to tell us his name. I can't see how it would embarrass the rest
:> of us, since we as a group are not responsible for his actions.

: (Shaking head) Richard, Richard, Richard - we could be embarrassed for not
: immediately recognizing the genius he has written here and also not
: immediately placing it at the foot of the throne of the Doctorate of
: Everything.

Oh, *that* kind of embarrassment. My bad.

Richard Schultz ***@mail.biu.ac.il
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Opinions expressed are mine alone, and not those of Bar-Ilan University
". . .Mr Schutz [sic] acts like a functional electro-terrorist who
impeads [sic] scientific communications with his too oft-silliness."
-- Mitchell Swartz, sci.physics.fusion article <***@world.std.com>
Dieter Britz
2008-08-13 08:48:45 UTC
kiloVolts wrote:
Post by kiloVolts
In my university career (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.), I encountered numerous
military personnel from many nations. University education is of value to
the officer corps. Israel is surrounded by enemies, so Professor Richard
Schultz would be remiss in his duties to his nation to avoid an attachment
to the Israeli military. Truth is the first casualty of war. I respect the
military individuals with whom I still maintain personnel contact but I
can tell you they are skilled in deceipt. For twenty years Professor
Richard Schultz has conducted a specific form of deceipt and

Reading this, I ask myself, how did you get a Ph.D. if you can't spell
correctly? Personell? Deceipt? Aaargh.
Dieter Britz (britz<at>chem.au.dk)
2008-08-12 05:09:49 UTC
Post by Richard Schultz
Take a look at http://tinyurl.com/5z2fak and ask yourself how I managed
to get away with the institutional affiliation listed therein.
Thank you Richard, for providing information regarding your publication
prowess. This must be your best work. It is interesting to note that you
have been cited a total of eleven times. ELEVEN TIMES for your most coveted
work. What a hypocrite you are Richard. Your favorite pass time is to
criticize work which has been cited 323 times. I repeat to you Richard, you
need to go away.

Please do not assume that I am so stupid to reply to your every message like
you do to mine. No one else will read your posts. You are wasting your time.
Richard Schultz
2008-08-12 07:15:19 UTC
In sci.physics.fusion kiloVolts <***@n0spam.com> wrote:
: "Richard Schultz" <***@mail.biu.ack.il> wrote
:> Take a look at http://tinyurl.com/5z2fak and ask yourself how I managed
:> to get away with the institutional affiliation listed therein.
: Thank you Richard, for providing information regarding your publication
: prowess. This must be your best work.

No, it is the first article that came up in a scholar.google search.

How many publications do you have in Angewandte Chemie?

: Please do not assume that I am so stupid to reply to your every message like
: you do to mine. No one else will read your posts. You are wasting your time.

It is obvious that you are impervious to logic or scientific argument; if
you were not, you would address the scientific issues that I raise instead
of spending your time making random personal attacks against me that only
reveal your utter cluelessness. It is obvious that you are a coward, since
you are only willing to make those attacks from behind a pseudonym. If my
goal were to convince *you* that the evidence for the reality of Cold Fusion
is far from compelling, then you are correct, I would be wasting my time.
Since that is not my goal, responding to your posts is no more a waste of
time than posting to usenet in general is.

Richard Schultz ***@mail.biu.ac.il
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Opinions expressed are mine alone, and not those of Bar-Ilan University
". . .Mr Schutz [sic] acts like a functional electro-terrorist who
impeads [sic] scientific communications with his too oft-silliness."
-- Mitchell Swartz, sci.physics.fusion article <***@world.std.com>
2008-09-07 08:22:26 UTC
Post by kiloVolts
Post by Richard Schultz
Take a look at http://tinyurl.com/5z2fak and ask yourself how I managed
to get away with the institutional affiliation listed therein.
Thank you Richard, for providing information regarding your publication
prowess. This must be your best work. It is interesting to note that you
have been cited a total of eleven times. ELEVEN TIMES for your most
coveted work. What a hypocrite you are Richard. Your favorite pass time is
to criticize work which has been cited 323 times. I repeat to you Richard,
you need to go away.
What a small dick Richard Schultz must have. One paper I published way back
in the 1970s has received 34 citations last time I checked.

2008-08-12 06:01:13 UTC
"Richard Schultz" <***@mail.biu.ack.il> wrote [snip]

Dear Richard,

You appear to be a stupid person to engage in fraud like you do, so I have
decided to bait you some more. This action may be justified because you
apparently made an ass of yourself in the newsgroup
'misc.health.alternative', so you are getting what you deserve.

There is incontrovertible evidence that you *were* employed as a lecturer at
Bar-Ilan University, but that you are no longer so employed.

Bar-Ilan University provides a search engine at the URL below:


Any one can search this to find evidence that you have departed. If this
search engine provides incorrect evidence about you, the only explanation
would be that you are as unpopular on your home turf as you are here.
2008-07-26 11:28:32 UTC
We can make energy out of matter, and matter out of energy.  With cold
fusion, we will unlock the power of the atom, and the world will have
infinite energy and be able to create matter out of energy and thus
infinite wealth.
Cold fusion is for real.  Just like the light bulb it may take many
attempts to get it right.
Thomas Edison failed more than 1,000 times when trying to create the
light bulb.  When asked about it, Edison allegedly said, "I have not
failed 1,000 times.  I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT
make a light bulb."  He then succeeded, and now the world has light.
Cold fusion is for real.
From Wired Magazine "What If Cold Fusion Is Real?"
"That's what makes cold fusion so nonreproducible," says Storms. "You
have to load the palladium with very high concentrations [of
deuterium], and many samples simply won't tolerate it."
"Heat has practical applications," concedes McKubre, "but what am I
supposed to do with the ability to turn expensive elements into cheap
This, finally, is his explanation for many negative results. There's
still a snag, though. Just because he knows how to select good
palladium, doesn't mean he knows how to make it. "Pons and Fleischmann
used to test samples from a supplier, Johnson Matthey, and over the
years they figured out how to create palladium that worked most of the
time. But Johnson Matthey signed a nondisclosure agreement with
Technova, the Toyota-supported group that financed the research in
France. The Japanese thought cold fusion would be hugely successful,
and therefore everyone would want this certain type of palladium, and
they'd clean up."
Of course, it never happened. Technova abandoned cold fusion. But
according to Storms the nondisclosure agreement still exists, and
Johnson Matthey is still bound by it. (A spokesperson at Johnson
Matthey would not confirm that an agreement exists.)
"Someone should buy it from Technova," I suggest.
Storms laughs. "Why should they? It's worthless! You can't make any
money from cold fusion - at least, not using the Pons-Fleischmann
And so, at this point, Storms is stymied. He shows me a paper he has
written, with a grim cover letter: "Ironically, it is now possible to
know why we failed but it is too late to follow a more successful
path ... Without access to widely circulated journals, this negative
attitude within the scientific community obviously cannot be changed.
Even overwhelming proof, as demanded by many scientists in the past,
can have no effect because no mechanism exists for it to be
communicated to the scientific professions."
Well, but that's also why the people with energy brains moved onto
Solar Enegy,
PV Cells, Wind Energy, A.I++++., Lasers, Satellites, DVD,
Ebooks, Holograms, Robots, and Cruise Missiles.
Rather than being pestered with the Journal wanks.of Science.
2008-07-26 12:43:22 UTC
Post by ***@rock.com
Thomas Edison failed more than 1,000 times when trying to create the
light bulb.
Edison did not create the light bulb.
Continue reading on narkive: